31 December 2007

II. Admission and Hope

As the year comes to a close, I would like to take an opportunity to leave behind some of its baggage. The past two years have not been great for me, and it is my goal to make sure that 2008 is quite different. I believe that this journal will provide a valuable assist in that goal, because it will impel me to break down one of my greatest personal flaws. It is hard--nearly impossible, in fact--for me to express my thoughts and feelings. For as long as I can remember, it has been as though they are life-sustaining air particles I have bottled up for dear life. Release them, and I would surely die of embarrassment and shame. That is my principal goal, as far as this site is concerned. It will undoubtedly be a challenge, as I will use the jaws of life to try to pry open my channels of self-expression. I am sure, though, that it will all be for the best.

To keep a sense of discipline and currency in achieving this, I am going to post at least once every few days. This seems like a reasonable, yet sufficiently stable routine to follow in order to keep the idea chain moving. To anyone that reads this, I hope that two-thousand-eight is the best year yet.

25 December 2007

I. Post the First: Holiday

Well, I guess I'll actually get down to starting the journal now. I won't bother writing anything like "hello everyone, and welcome to my blog;" it would be terribly pretentious to assume that people are tracking my every word from day one, not that notoriety is the reason decided to embark on this project in the first place. This is strictly a place for me to jot down and organize my thoughts. All are welcome to delve in, but this is "me" space.

Today is Christmas day; I, however am not in a particularly "Christmassy" mood. I'm not in a sour mood, though. I just haven't caught on to the celebratory vibe of the season. This year, for perhaps the first time in my life, I am spending the entire day by myself. I appreciate the quiet and the opportunity for self-reflection. Being alone on Christmas still does seem weird, though.

I think I have more to write about even at this moment, but I'll save these for later posts. To anyone who happens to pass through, though--have a wonderful day.

14 December 2007

O. Zero

This is the zeroth post--nothing more than a test of the look and feel of the blog. More content to come.

And here is a fake quote.