12 May 2008

XIX. Thank Goodness for Great Tits!

A Great Tit
(image courtesy of the BBC)

08 May 2008

XVIII. An Alley Downtown

And now for the inaugural random pic(s) of the day (a category that, while not necessarily daily, will encompass posts of photos I took of things that catch my attention) I bring you...


Right in the midst of Downtown Buffalo--mere blocks away from the bustle of the Main Street Metro, bus terminal and financial district--this little alley lies tucked away between Broadway and Huron Street.

Map showing the location of Blossom Alley

The intersection of Blossom with the much busier Broadway, with the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library in the midground.

Street sign at intersection of Broadway and Blossom Alley

A view of the alley, facing north.

View of Blossom Alley

On Blossom Alley, auto shops, garages, parking, and warehouses exist in harmony in the shadow of the Electric Building.

Garages and warehouses, and Electric Building

07 May 2008

XVII. Joyless Occasion

I remember the times when I looked forward to my birthday. Another year older--back then, it seemed as though aging was the goal. Nowadays, I actually dread my birthday. 'Tis a mere reminder that yet another year has passed, and I am no closer to actually defining my goal, much less achieving it.