31 March 2009

XLV. Confick-you! (Or not, if you're smart)

Well, the computing world's latest gift from losers with too much time on their hands is called Conficker, and it's scheduled to go off just minutes from now--threatening to wreak havoc on Windows boxes worldwide.

While this irritates me to no end, and it is my opinion that spreading computer bugs should be one of the very few offenses worthy of capital punishment (all right, a slight exaggeration--but the sentiment comes across) the best we can do at this point is keep our own asses covered.

Don't get f-ed over by Conficker

25 March 2009

XLIV. Five Yards for Encroaching Censorship

I am growing increasingly disturbed by the encroachment of police power into our daily lives. With each passing day another liberty seems to disappear.

Take, for example, this plan by the UK government. Presumably aimed at banning certain "controversial" types of manga drawings, it would give the government incredible control over the ideas people are allowed to express.

Not to defend any given type of idea, mind you. But, theoretically, if a government presumes the sole authority to label ideas as "obscene" then there is nothing stopping it from attaching this tag to any idea it wishes, given situational efficacy.

The real danger in this type of reactionary thinking is that it feeds into the agendas of those who would like to gain control over others.

For instance, why are images of nudity or sex considered obscene, but images of wanton violence so commonplace?

Is it, perhaps, that some people would like to take from you control of your own body, while simultaneously desensitizing you to the suffering of others?
Sounds kind of like an efficient, obedient war-making machine, doesn't it?