06 May 2009

XLIX. Duke Nukem Never

An icon from my childhood has bitten the dust.

3D Realms Shuts Down

How sad.

(P.S. Actually, it seems that the rights to the infamous Duke Nukem Forever have been claimed, so there may be hope yet for a release!)

(P.P.S. Don't hold your breath.)

XLVIII. Scaling the Wall

Writer's block sucks.

Not in the little, nagging way you'd feel if, say, you realized you were suddenly out of a delicious snack you'd just been munching on. No--this is a despair much like the feeling one gets when he knows he has disappointed someone important. In this case, the important someone is indeed the writer himself.

You see, the act of writing serves as an outlet--transferring one's ideas to external media. The writer's pen is a spigot. When the ideas aren't flowing an unbearable pressure builds up, frustrating and tormenting him.

It seems the only way to get over this is to force oneself to get started. My own approach will be to regard any blank sheets of paper I see as a dire emergency--an imminent threat requiring my immediate attention to quash. Just fill 'em up, and let god sort 'em out.

I'll see how that goes.