30 April 2008

XVI. Ceaseless Parade of Pointless Rubbish

You don't need to worry about the ludicrously high price of oil, which looks to sap more money you don't even have from your bank account.

Don't fret that food is also getting more and more expensive. Hell, eating in a heated house with electricity all at once is overrated anyway.

Trouble not yourself with the enormous national debt, nor the individual debt which is seeing people thrown from their homes by the dozen, the middle class becoming the new poor, and the current poor becoming outcastes.

Never mind that trillions of dollars are circling the drain of an overseas military policy with dubious premises based on scant evidence, which is killing people by the thousand.

Forget all about those piddling little details...they're all hogwash!

You know what the real issues affecting America at this very moment are, though. Don't you?

That's right...MILEY FUCKING CYRUS! This girl's faux-nude photos are what we really need to be talking about! This is what's got American society hanging in the balance!

But that's not the only thing. Let's not forget Barack Obama, who is secretly fronting the presidential campaign of Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Of course they share the exact same views. And this Wright fellow is clearly a dangerous radical.

The prophetic theology of the black church during the days of segregation, Jim Crow, lynching, and the separate-but-equal fantasy was a theology of liberation.

It was preached to set African-Americans free from the notion of second-class citizenship, which was the law of the land. And it was practiced to set free misguided and miseducated Americans from the notion that they were actually superior to other Americans based on the color of their skin.

The prophetic theology of the black church in our day is preached to set African-Americans and all other Americans free from the misconceived notion that different means deficient.
Black preaching is different from European and European-American preaching. It is not deficient; it is just different. It is not bombastic; it is not controversial; it’s different.

The unmitigated nerve of this black separatist! Can't he see that his toxic reverse-racist views are the reason this country is headed for its ruination?

UPDATE: It seems that Barack Obama has come to his senses. He has decided to run for the presidency himself, and has renounced the racist demagogue.

How poised and presidential of Mr. Obama! That's the kind of honor and loyalty we true Americans need in our President!

XV. Hockey's (Almost) Gone, Doldrums On

The second round of the NHL playoffs is sucking...hard. At least the first round had a few competitive series. It seems like the Avs/Rangers/Sharks are well on their way to a swift exit (Montreal is still close enough, for now--it remains to be seen what will happen with them). I only hope that the Conference and Cup Finals series offer something better--ideally tight seven-game battles, but at least no sweeps or five-game blowouts.

Speaking of sports--since my NHL team (the NJ Devils) have been eliminated I find that I can't get enthusiastic about the other sports I like. I have paid little attention to my breathtakingly mediocre Yankees, and I have no interest in the various NFL administrative goings-on typical of this time of year. In a way, though, it's kind of liberating--I'm not wasting strength on worrying about some bunch of millionaires' position in the standings before the season's even half over.

29 April 2008

XIV. Journey Onward, My Son

As of yesterday, I have attended my last lecture of the year. Save for submitting two last exams, my undergraduate career is now over.

Six long years and many bumps in the road...all leading up to here.

Now...out into the jungle!


21 April 2008

XIII. Can't Fight the 'fox

I'm damn tired of these random university computers without Firefox installed. As far as I'm concerned, if a computer doesn't have Firefox installed, it's broken.

07 April 2008

XII. Where's Fadlo?

Egad! A full month since the most recent post... it's time to get my rear back in gear. Perhaps the dearth of posting is the result of having done essentially nothing in that time. It seems that I'm beginning to become allergic to the real world.