30 April 2008

XV. Hockey's (Almost) Gone, Doldrums On

The second round of the NHL playoffs is sucking...hard. At least the first round had a few competitive series. It seems like the Avs/Rangers/Sharks are well on their way to a swift exit (Montreal is still close enough, for now--it remains to be seen what will happen with them). I only hope that the Conference and Cup Finals series offer something better--ideally tight seven-game battles, but at least no sweeps or five-game blowouts.

Speaking of sports--since my NHL team (the NJ Devils) have been eliminated I find that I can't get enthusiastic about the other sports I like. I have paid little attention to my breathtakingly mediocre Yankees, and I have no interest in the various NFL administrative goings-on typical of this time of year. In a way, though, it's kind of liberating--I'm not wasting strength on worrying about some bunch of millionaires' position in the standings before the season's even half over.

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