08 October 2009

LII. Random BeeEss

The American Dream is something you'll never achieve


Out before the shit hits the fan...
shades of truth
...a little crazy

29 August 2009


I'm bleeding sick of Michael Jackson and Ted Kennedy talk!
Fikking enough already!

25 August 2009

L. The Beginning of the End of the Beginning...

Oh, my. It's been months since I've posted anything here. I wish I had an excuse to sell myself--but alas, the best I can come up with is that I've simply lost interest. Or maybe I even forgot about it until now.

Just as well, I guess. Since I've returned to New York, the "Gotham in Exile" moniker no longer bears relevance. So this seems like a good point to actually begin phasing out this site. There may be a few more posts on this site, but probably nothing of much importance.

Instead, I'll spend my time planning and writing content for my new site (unnamed as of yet). Upcoming are mind-grabbing essays on race, religion, and being an American (I began writing the latter one years ago!) Anyone who might see this entry, feel free to remind me the next time I completely forget.

I'll also bring over from this one those posts that are, so to speak, the
cremè de la cremè. The 95% of the utter crap content here will deservedly fade into oblivion.

So, that's that. Into the underworld travels Gotham in Exile, and from its ashes like a phoenix shall the next chapter arise.

06 May 2009

XLIX. Duke Nukem Never

An icon from my childhood has bitten the dust.

3D Realms Shuts Down

How sad.

(P.S. Actually, it seems that the rights to the infamous Duke Nukem Forever have been claimed, so there may be hope yet for a release!)

(P.P.S. Don't hold your breath.)

XLVIII. Scaling the Wall

Writer's block sucks.

Not in the little, nagging way you'd feel if, say, you realized you were suddenly out of a delicious snack you'd just been munching on. No--this is a despair much like the feeling one gets when he knows he has disappointed someone important. In this case, the important someone is indeed the writer himself.

You see, the act of writing serves as an outlet--transferring one's ideas to external media. The writer's pen is a spigot. When the ideas aren't flowing an unbearable pressure builds up, frustrating and tormenting him.

It seems the only way to get over this is to force oneself to get started. My own approach will be to regard any blank sheets of paper I see as a dire emergency--an imminent threat requiring my immediate attention to quash. Just fill 'em up, and let god sort 'em out.

I'll see how that goes.

30 April 2009

XLVII. The New Caveman

Am I becoming a Luddite?

I don't own a Blackberry, I don't spill my every inane thought on Twitter, and I don't relish the idea of telling everybody on the planet know what I'm doing every five seconds.

Oh, well. I'm not jumping on the bandwagon. I'll stick with my e-mail and my halfhearted social networking and blogging.

(For now, anyway.)

29 April 2009

XLVI. Duck and Cover!

If you get all your information from the mainstream American media, you are probably aware that we are now gripped by a pestilence not seen since the days of oh, say the dreaded bird flu.

Seriously, to anyone who might be thinking that this is the beginning of the Apocalypse, might I point you to the words of the late, great George Carlin
(check out the beginning of part 2 as well):

Just be sure to stay away from the Chinese chicken...

31 March 2009

XLV. Confick-you! (Or not, if you're smart)

Well, the computing world's latest gift from losers with too much time on their hands is called Conficker, and it's scheduled to go off just minutes from now--threatening to wreak havoc on Windows boxes worldwide.

While this irritates me to no end, and it is my opinion that spreading computer bugs should be one of the very few offenses worthy of capital punishment (all right, a slight exaggeration--but the sentiment comes across) the best we can do at this point is keep our own asses covered.

Don't get f-ed over by Conficker

25 March 2009

XLIV. Five Yards for Encroaching Censorship

I am growing increasingly disturbed by the encroachment of police power into our daily lives. With each passing day another liberty seems to disappear.

Take, for example, this plan by the UK government. Presumably aimed at banning certain "controversial" types of manga drawings, it would give the government incredible control over the ideas people are allowed to express.

Not to defend any given type of idea, mind you. But, theoretically, if a government presumes the sole authority to label ideas as "obscene" then there is nothing stopping it from attaching this tag to any idea it wishes, given situational efficacy.

The real danger in this type of reactionary thinking is that it feeds into the agendas of those who would like to gain control over others.

For instance, why are images of nudity or sex considered obscene, but images of wanton violence so commonplace?

Is it, perhaps, that some people would like to take from you control of your own body, while simultaneously desensitizing you to the suffering of others?
Sounds kind of like an efficient, obedient war-making machine, doesn't it?

25 February 2009

XLIII. They Just Don't Get It...

Mr. Jindal's Neighborhood

To think, the clones are actually going crazy over this guy--he's probably already a frontrunner for 2012.

This illustrates perfectly how clueless the Republicans are. They throw a pile of poop in a brown bag and call it diversity.

26 January 2009

XLII. Diverging Priorities

Isn't it curious that on a day that thousands of people are losing their jobs, the Dow Jones was actually up for a while?

What kind of message is that supposed to send about what's important in our economy?

01 January 2009

XLI. Happy 2009!

Or should I say, "good riddance to 2008?"

For the most part this year could best be described as garbage.

As much as it did suck, there were some bright spots--I managed to complete my undergraduate degree, and a black man (as dubious as some of his moves may be) was elected President of the United States.

Perhaps we ended 2008 at rock bottom, and we have hit an uptick that will lead to better days shortly. I certainly hope so.

As always, enjoy the day.