25 August 2009

L. The Beginning of the End of the Beginning...

Oh, my. It's been months since I've posted anything here. I wish I had an excuse to sell myself--but alas, the best I can come up with is that I've simply lost interest. Or maybe I even forgot about it until now.

Just as well, I guess. Since I've returned to New York, the "Gotham in Exile" moniker no longer bears relevance. So this seems like a good point to actually begin phasing out this site. There may be a few more posts on this site, but probably nothing of much importance.

Instead, I'll spend my time planning and writing content for my new site (unnamed as of yet). Upcoming are mind-grabbing essays on race, religion, and being an American (I began writing the latter one years ago!) Anyone who might see this entry, feel free to remind me the next time I completely forget.

I'll also bring over from this one those posts that are, so to speak, the
cremè de la cremè. The 95% of the utter crap content here will deservedly fade into oblivion.

So, that's that. Into the underworld travels Gotham in Exile, and from its ashes like a phoenix shall the next chapter arise.

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